Take a moment to reflect. Look back on the year behind you and think about all the things that have changed. Where were you January of last year? What were you doing in February, or over last spring break ? Who were you spending time with and what activities were you involved in? For a lot of people things have probably changed significantly, but for those of you who have not had a drastic change you have grown another year in maturity.
My year has been a roller coaster of drastic changes. From serving in my church, to struggling with my faith, some friendships strengthening, new friendships starting and old friendships falling apart. God has been so faithful to me in every step of the way. When I felt like He was so far away, and I thought He wasn't in my life He pulled me back and revealed new things to me. He taught me that His mercies are new every day, His grace is enough and He is always faithful.
MercyWhen I turn my back from Him, when I fall into the desires of my flesh and mock the God who loves me He still forgives me. Despite the fact that I sin every day, I never trust Him enough and I rely on my own strength far to much He still shows me mercy.
No matter what my failures are God's mercies are new to me every day.
GraceHe has given me an undeserved gift and blessed me with a savior. By His grace I am free.
FaithfulnessSometimes I feel like God isn't near, but that is where I am wrong. He is always near. He never leaves me or forsakes me. In the times of joy, times of trouble and everywhere in between He is by me and cares for me.
He has shown me His faithfulness by taking care of me, providing for me, and showing me He has a better plan even when things don't go my way.
His faithfulness is unending.
Reflecting on the past year has made me realize how gracious and kind God has been to me. There were times He didn't do things according to my timing and plans, but looking back I see how His plan was far better then my own.
So I challenge everyone in 2013 to know that God's plan is always better. In times of trouble and struggle, when He isn't answering prayers according to your timing or plan, remember that He has something better waiting for you.
Reflect on how God has revealed Himself to you in 2012 and carry that with you through 2013.
Happy New Year!
It is another year that Western mankind is in demise. Such is far from God's plan; and is affirming of man's will. Do you believe God to be a socialist, that has judged the West, for past transgression? Then welcome to Pelagian theology.